Financial Partnership with CEF

This chapter of CEF is funded entirely by the generous gifts of local churches and individuals.

Our contributors are not just donors; they are “fellow workers with the truth” (3 John 8), faithfully serving God through their financial support. Their gifts are “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (Philippians 4:18). We aim to provide an opportunity for our brothers and sisters in Christ to worship Him through their giving, and we seek the blessing that adds to their spiritual account (Philippians 4:17). Therefore, we ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with us as a financial supporter for the eternal glory of God and the advancement of His kingdom.

We are deeply grateful to those who support this ministry financially, whether through a one-time gift or an ongoing contribution. Your continued support is vital to our mission. We aim to be good stewards of all our resources, giving God the glory for all we’ve received from His faithful followers. We truly appreciate your support!

When you give financially, you directly support the overall work of our local chapter, making a meaningful impact in the lives of the children we serve. All donations stay within the Northeast Chapter, ensuring that our community benefits directly from your generosity.

Donations given provide:

  • Funding for promotion of the ministry to enlist volunteers; 

  • Postage and printing for promotional materials to keep ministry partners updated;

  • Supplies, equipment, and other office expenses (internet, copier, etc.);

  • Curriculum, supplies, and other costs associated with training team members and teaching clubs;

  • Travel reimbursement around chapter

  • Payroll for one full-time director and a part-time admin assistant.  

  • Full-time Summer Intern and Summer missionaries.

There are minimal office expenses as the chapter office is attached to the director's home.

How does my gift contribute to the work of CEF?


We offer and run Go Clubs and Good News Clubs free of charge, and your gift ensures that we’re able to keep it this way. That includes training, program materials, transportation, and compensation for staff and teen missionaries. For example, it costs roughly $100 for the materials to start a Good News Club and $60 for each subsequent set of lessons.


Along with our ministries, we offer children’s ministry training free of charge to churches all over our chapter. Your gift allows us to continue to cover the time, materials, and transportation costs to continue this valuable resource for children’s ministry teachers all over northeast North Dakota and northwest Minnesota.

Go Training is a 10-day program designed specifically for summer missionaries to prepare them for their mission work. Depending on the chosen ministry track, the cost ranges from $4,000 to $6,000. This investment helps equip our summer missionaries with the tools and knowledge they need to serve and make an effective impact in their mission field.


For families of teens applying for Go Training or children registering for Camp Good News, the costs of attending these programs may be prohibitive to their attendance. Go Training costs $275 per teen, and Camp Good News is $125 per child. You can give a gift that will ensure a teen receives training for summer ministry, or so a child may attend a week of fun, hearing the good news of Jesus Christ, and growing in God’s word.


Ways to give

We offer multiple options for contributing to this ministry. You are welcome to choose whatever option fits your preferences.

Direct by mail

If you prefer to write checks, you may address them to CEF.

Please do not designate funds to specific individuals in the memo line, as the IRS may view this as money laundering.

CEF Mailing address:

CEF, PO Box 13834, Grand Forks, ND 58208

Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)

Please set up your monthly giving by completing an EFT form, which we will provide upon request. EFTs are a fast and convenient way to ensure your gifts will automatically be given every month. You can opt-out or change your monthly giving level at any time. If you would like to receive an EFT form or to opt out/change your giving level, please email local committee treasurer Lloyd Kuster at with your request. Please include “EFT form request” in the subject line.

Online Giving

You can donate online at

Please select the Northeast Chapter in the dropdown box.

or scan the QR code