Pray for CEF

Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving; praying at the same time for us as well, that God will open up to us a door for the word, so that we may speak forth the mystery of Christ. Col 4:2-3

No ministry can expect to preach the truth of the Gospel powerfully and effectively without prayer. Prayer is at the heart and core of CEF ministry, and we desire to have faithful saints of Jesus Christ join us in lifting up praises, petitions, and thankgiving to our Heavenly Father for His eternal glory. We ask that you would keep the staff, volunteers, and children who attend CEF ministries in your prayers. Below are specific ways you can pray for and with us.

Current Prayer Needs Fall 2024

Staff & Volunteers

Please pray:

  • For the Summer Missionaries and the new school year, both for high school and college

  • For the Summer Missionaries from this past summer, that they would continue to walk with the Lord and serve in their local churches.

Children’s Ministry

Please pray for:

  • The children who attended Go Clubs this summer, that God’s word would continue to be sown and watered in their lives

  • Ways to reach children with the Gospel during this school year, and for ways to partner with churches to plan children’s ministry programs and trainings.

Ministry Planning

Please pray for:

  • Fall ministry planning, e.g. Good News Clubs, children’s ministry trainings

  • Financial partnership meetings