How CEF can partner with YOU

There are multiple ways that CEF of the Northeast can partner with your church, Youth Group, Sunday school class, or organization.

Another way  to partner with us is through Seasonal Party Club or to adopt a school and start a Good News Club to present Biblical teaching to children. Despite some people's doubts, we want to assure you that this is indeed possible.

How can you partner with CEF


The most significant progress in our work does not come from the tasks we complete, the meetings we attend, or the decisions we make. Instead, it comes from the time we dedicate to prayer before God, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is what brings power, helps bring in more workers, and provides resources for our ministry.

Partnerships and Volunteers

CEF’s ministries, training events, and local committee are always in need of faithful Christian men, women, and teens who will use their talents, training, experiences, time, and energy to further the kingdom of Christ by making disciples of children. Our goal is to provide local churches a way of increasing and fostering new and existing ministries. We intend for local churches to take ownership of those ministries with CEF simply as a partner to enable them to carry those ministries out.


This chapter of CEF is funded entirely by the generous gifts of local churches and individuals. Our contributors are not merely donors, but fellow workers in the Lord who faithfully serve Him by their financial means, whose gifts are “a fragrant offering, a sacrifice acceptable and pleasing to God” (Phil. 4:18, ESV). Thus, we ask that you would prayerfully consider partnering with us by becoming a financial partner, for the eternal glory of God and His kingdom. Click “GIve a Gift” at the top of the page to contribute to this ministry.