Serve with CEF

Ways to serve with CEF


Go Club Ministry

Go Clubs provide a way to evangelize kids in your neighborhood and community without a large time commitment. There are many moving parts within the Go Club ministry, and we’re always looking for people to help minister to children and our summer missionaries. Here are some ways you can contribute your time and energy:

  • Host a Go Club (click “Ministry Programs” under the What We Do drop-drop menu to learn more)

  • Provide transportation between clubs

  • Be an overnight host for a team of missionary teens

  • Coordinate Go Clubs in your community

  • Promote Go Clubs in your church and community


Local Committee & Subcommittees

We are always on the lookout for qualified people who want to use their skills, gifts, and abilities to lead and assist our chapter in fulfilling the purpose of CEF. Committee members provide vision and leadership to the ministry in the areas of finance, ministry programs, staffing, and governance. They ensure that our ministry is spiritually strong before God and legally strong before men.

Additionally, there are ways to aid and advise our local board (without the necessary time and energy commitment required for full committee members) by serving on one of our three subcommittees:

  • Financial Subcommittee: Overseeing and planning the raising of funds for our chapter; budget planning.

  • Personnel Subcommittee: Responsible for administrative issues associated with staffing, such as strategic planning, prioritization of tasks, and policy.

  • Ministry Subcommittee: Responsible for ministry vision; overseeing and planning ministry activities and initiatives.

To learn more about serving as a local committee member, or about getting involved with a subcommittee, please contact subcommittee coordinator Doug Eriksmoen at (701) 795-5772, or local director Karl Krause (contact info at the bottom of the page).

Good News Club Ministry

Good News Club (GNC) offers a wide variety of options for involvement, no matter your age, skills, and time availability. We also encourage creativity in GNCs. Here are some ways you can get involved (not exhaustive):

  • Club coordinator

  • Club liaison for local church

  • Lesson/verse/missionary story teacher

  • Song and music leader

  • Snack provider

  • Gospel/small group counselor

  • Games leader

  • Transportation (if your club is not at a local school)

  • Club helper


Church Partnership Coordinator/Liaison

Perhaps you, like many individuals, aren’t able to invest the time and energy often needed. However, as a parachurch ministry, we are always seeking out people to promote and advocate for CEF in their communities and to their local churches. If you’d like to see CEF ministries promoted in your church, you may be well suited to being a liaison between your church and this chapter of CEF.

If you’re gifted as an organizer and administrator, serving as a coordinator for CEF ministry programs at your local church might be right up your alley, too. Whether it’s promoting hosting a Go Club, organizing a team for a Good News Club, or planning for a Birthday Party for Jesus, a dedicated coordinator is a necessary and highly valuable asset to every ministry team. If you have the gifts and skills to carry out this role, please pray and consider becoming a volunteer coordinator for CEF ministries at your church. To learn more and to discuss a potential role, please contact local director Karl Krause (contact info at the bottom of the page).

Camp Good News

Like our other CEF ministries, Camp Good News offers many different opportunities to minister to camp staff, volunteers, and especially the kids, many of whom have never heard the Gospel before. The difference is, apart from providing transportation, you’ll likely be required to spend the week at camp, so please keep that in mind as you consider one (or more) of these roles:

  • Transporting kids to and/or from camp

  • Kitchen staff

  • Skills teacher (arts & crafts, canoeing, BB guns, etc)

  • Camp “grandparent”

  • Bible teacher

  • “Mini-campers” leader (daily childcare for staff and volunteer kids under age 8)


Host/Coordinate Children’s Ministry Trainings

Not only does CEF offer ministry programs, but we endeavor to ensure children all across our chapter area hear and receive the full truth of God’s word as given in the Scriptures. To that end, we offer training to children’s ministry teachers, that they may be equipped to understand and accurately handle the truth of God (2 Tim. 2:15).

If you’d like to receive CEF-sponsored children’s ministry training in your church and community, please consider hosting and coordinating a training event or workshop. We will gladly help in planning, scheduling, promoting, and organizing your training event.


To serve in any of the areas listed above, please fill out the contact form.

To call local director Marietjie van Straaten, scroll down to the bottom of this page.